150W Database
Following the UC Regents’ decision to admit women into the UC system in 1870, countless women have contributed to UC Berkeley’s vivacious environment and competitive academic ranking. The 150W History Project, launched on the 150th anniversary of this approval, celebrates the female alumni, staff, faculty, researchers, and donors of the University.
Aligning with the goals of 150W to document and preserve women’s contributions to UC Berkeley, EDGE in Tech at Berkeley collected notable women into this Database of Cal Women. The database organizes entries across twenty-two different fields including but not limited to degree types, majors, ethnicities, photos, and awards. It is built on an interactive platform that allows for sorting, filtering, and searching through over 650 records using any of the twenty-two descriptive fields. The information was crowdsourced and the data was researched, vetted and organized by Berkeley students in order to verify the information as much as possible. If you have suggested additions, please complete this form, or if you identify any inaccuracies, please contact us at edgeintech@berkeley.edu.
We invite you to take a step back into history and explore the database!
Search, sort, or filter to discover interesting facts about the notable women of Cal.
Below are some tips you may find useful as you explore the database!
Searching for any information

Using the overarching Search button, Enter any search term to find exactly what you are looking for.
Try searching for a name such as “Doris.”
Sorting in a specific order

Using the Sort button, you can order fields alphabetically or chronologically – such as fields like “Year” which can show you the earliest Cal alumni and faculty!
Filtering to show exactly what you're looking for

Using the Filter button, you can hone in on records that are relevant to your specific criteria. For example, try filtering by the field “Department/Major,” and choose one. The database will show only alumni or faculty that are associated with that department.